Health, Medical medium, Recipes, Salty

White cauliflower sauce

Cauliflower sauce – a classic white sauce made with cauliflower.

Did you know that cauliflower is incredibly high in vitamins and also harbours anti-cancer compounds? But in addition to its high nutritional value, cauliflower is also a truly versatile vegetable, offering exciting experimentation in the kitchen. Thanks to its mild flavour, cauliflower is so well suited to both savoury and sweet dishes that it is often difficult to detect that cauliflower is present at all. And so it is with this delicious sauce, whose recipe we’re about to share with you. It’s a healthy version of the classic white flour sauce you remember from childhood or maybe even from a meal. Easy to make, really tasty and a homey bite to eat, this sauce is guaranteed!

Quantity: 3-4 sauce lovers
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Severity: light
To prepare you need:

  • 350 g cauliflower florets (about half a larger cauliflower)
  • ½ onion (chopped)
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves
  • 120 ml unsweetened almond milk (or coconut milk if you prefer a creamier sauce)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • herbs of your choice, such as parsley (to serve, optional)
  • food processor or blender

How to make the sauce?

Steam the cauliflower florets for 10-15 minutes, or longer if necessary, until the cauliflower is soft. Set aside to cool. Then brown the onion in a pan, without the oil. Use a little water if necessary. When the onion is translucent, add the crushed garlic and heat for another 2-3 minutes. As a final step, place the steamed cauliflower in a food processor or blender with the browned onion and garlic, lemon juice, almond or coconut milk and seasoning and blitz to a smooth sauce. Serve alongside potatoes or enjoy with your favourite gluten-free pasta.

The recipe is based on the original recipe from Medizinimeedium, which you can find here.

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