Recipes, Salty

Warming tomato soup

During the cold season, you always want to enjoy something delicious and warming, which would be ready in a hurry, but would still be healthy and appealing to the taste buds, right? We’re sharing with you one of our delicious, but really tasty and healing herbal tomato soup recipes, so you can have a warming bowl to boost your health!

Quantity: 4-6 soup lovers
Preparation time: 60 minutes (if you want to use fresh tomatoes, it will take a little longer!).
Severity: light
It will take:

  • Bigger pot
  • 1kg canned tomatoes (if you want to use fresh tomatoes, roast the tomatoes in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes!).
  • 2-3 celery stalks
  • 4-5 medium carrots
  • 3 medium onions
  • 1/2 fresh chilli (if you don’t like spicy food, you can add less)
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup or other sweetener of your choice (to balance the flavours), honey to taste.
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • basil or coriander (fresh or dried)
  • salt, pepper
  • enough water to cover the entire contents of the pot nicely

How to make tomato soup?

Peel and chop the onion, carrot, garlic and celery and brown lightly in the bottom of the pot (you can also add a drizzle of olive oil if you like, but this is not essential). Then add the tomatoes (if using roasted tomatoes, crush them gently), cook for a few minutes and add the water. Bring the mixture to the boil, then simmer gently under the lid over medium-low heat (about 40-50 minutes). When the carrots and celery are soft, mash and season. A blender, blender or food processor can be used to puree the soup. If you prefer a silky texture, you can also strain the soup through a sieve.To serve, add finely chopped fresh basil, coriander or green onion to the soup.

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