Recipes, Salty

Pea-asparagus puree soup

Spring brings with it plenty of bounty, and one of these is the incomparable asparagus. Let’s celebrate this wonderful fruit with a green puree, where the fresh nuttiness of asparagus and the sweetness of peas dance hand in hand. Delightful! And what a delight that bowl of refreshing greenery is, isn’t it?

Quantity: approx. for 4
Time: approx 30 min
Severity: medium

  • 450 g asparagus (final weight)
  • 450 g (thawed) peas
  • 150 g porrut
  • 1 litre of room soak healing broths
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • juice of 1 small lemon
  • 130 ml vegetable milk or coconut cream
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to make pea and asparagus puree?

Heat the chopped leek and garlic in the bottom of a pot with a little water for a few minutes. Then add the chopped asparagus (NOTE: if the ends of the asparagus are woody, chop them off, but the final weight should be 450g) and heat for another 5 minutes. Add the warm broth, vegetable milk and peas and cook for about 8-10 minutes until the asparagus is soft. Add the lemon juice, salt and pepper and blitz with a whisk until smooth and smooth. If you are using a blender, let the soup cool down a little before blending. If desired, add coconut cream or Indian nut sauce when serving.

Serve and enjoy!

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