Recipes, Sweet

Gluten-free waffles

Comparison of waffles with honey and berries

Warm waffles with sweet maple syrup and berries – sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? To give you a healthy twist on this delicious blend of flavours, we’re sharing with you a wholemeal version of classic Belgian-style waffles that don’t contain a gram of wheat, egg or dairy. In the whipped dough, gluten-free oats, chickpea flour and caramelized coconut sugar come together. However, since waffles also contain a little bit of quality oil, we recommend waffle lovers to enjoy waffles instead of breakfast as a nice afternoon snack or as a sweet snack in the evening.

Amount: 4-5 large semi-soft waffles
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Severity: light
To prepare you need:

  • 135g gluten-free oat flour
  • 60g chickpea flour
  • 2.5 teaspoons baking powder (ideally organic)
  • 310ml raw soap water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil or melted coconut oil
  • 2-3 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of natural non-alcoholic vanilla extract or 0,25 teaspoon of pure vanilla powder (optional).
  • small pinch of salt (to balance the flavours)
  • honey or maple syrup (to serve)
  • fresh raspberries or other berries of your choice (to serve)
  • waffle makers

How to make gluten-free waffles?

First, heat up the waffle maker. While the machine is warming up, prepare the dough. To do this, mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl with the sugar, salt and baking powder. Then add the oil and water to the dry ingredients and mix until smooth. A whisk is a good substitute for a spoon for mixing – it makes the dough even more uniform.

When the dough is ready and the waffle maker has reached the right temperature, place the appropriate amount of dough on the hot waffle iron, close the lid and cook the waffles according to your waffle maker’s instructions. Repeat the process until there is more dough. The finished waffle should be slightly crispy on top and nicely cooked and airy on the inside. Serve the waffles with liquid honey or maple syrup and fresh raspberries.

PS. If you want a particularly crispy result, coat the wafers with a thin layer of oil beforehand.

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