Recipes, Sweet

Apple mayo with date caramel

Healthy apple mayo with date caramel

Do you know that feeling when you’re dying to eat something delicious, but you don’t feel like working in the kitchen and you don’t want to go to the store? A simple apple mousse with date caramel lends a helping hand! In addition to the unrivalled combination of flavours, it will also invigorate your body with the best of the best – both dates and apples are packed with nutrients and provide your body with beneficial glucose. This apple mayonnaise can be used as a dessert or a healthy snack. You can also prepare date caramel for several days by storing it in the fridge. This way, you have a nice amps on hand for when the sweet tooth strikes.

Amount: 3-4 for sweet tooth
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Severity: light
To prepare you need:

  • 4 medium-sized apples
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 200 g soft dates (if the dates are too hard at first, let them soften in warm water for 15-20 minutes).
  • half a cup of unsweetened almond milk (optional, for blending; can also be substituted with water)
  • a small handful of crushed almonds or almond flakes (optional, for serving)

How to make apple mayo?

Wash and slice the apples and place them on a plate. Then prepare the date caramel. To do this, place the dates in a blender with the cinnamon and almond milk or water and blend until smooth. When the caramel is ready, drizzle it over the apple slices. Drizzle with toasted almond slivers, almond flakes or anything else you like. Enjoy!

The recipe idea comes from the Medical Media blog. Find the original recipe here!

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