Light bites, Recipes, Salty

Nori salad roll

It’s a recipe from the Medical Medium, a super fun way to eat salads and fresh vegetables. Use your favourite vegetables or leafy greens and roll up one delicious meal!

Quantity: for 1
Time: 5 min
Severity: light

  • 4 Norway Leaflets
  • 6 cups of salad (romaine, lettuce, butter lettuce, arugula, spinach, etc.)
  • 1 medium tomato, sliced
  • half a long cucumber, sliced into strips
  • 8 asparagus spears, woody ends removed
  • 1 bunch green onions (optional)
  • 1/4 cup sprouts or sprouts
  • 2-3 teaspoons atladi dulse flakes (optional)
  • A squeeze of lemon or orange juice

How to make a nori salad roll?

Place the noreleaf, shiny side down, on the cutting board with the long edge facing you. Place the lettuce and all the other vegetables on one end of the sheet. Drizzle a little orange or lemon juice on the other end of the leaf, then roll up tightly. Repeat with all four standard sheets. Cut in half and serve immediately.

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