Articles, Medical medium

Morning cleaning

Have you already heard about the Anthony William Morning Cleanse from Medical Media? It’s a relatively simple morning routine to boost your body’s cleansing mechanisms. Put simply, morning cleansing is about avoiding all the junk foods and fats until lunchtime, and instead focusing on hydrating and glucose replenishment.

Here in the article you can find out:

  • Which foods to avoid during morning cleaning
  • Why and how to drink lemon or lime water
  • Why and how to drink celery juice
  • Why a fat-free breakfast is good for your body
  • How regular morning cleansing can help cleanse your body better

Let’s talk a little more about it

When you go to bed at night, your liver goes into hibernation mode with you. But it wakes up before you – at around 3am – to start cleansing your body of the harmful toxins, pathogens, junk food or whatever else has taken a toll on it the day before.

For most people, the liver can only cleanse itself up to the time of the person’s first meal, which can be quite early in the morning. As soon as caffeine, fat, excess protein, animal foods, gluten enter our body, the body’s cleansing mechanisms shut down instantly. But we need to have a longer period in the morning, a window during which the liver can cleanse itself and the body for longer.

What does the Medical Media recommend to do in your morning cleanse? Let’s start with what to avoid so that liver cleansing processes don’t get bogged down.


❌ All foods not recommended by the Medical Media (egg, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, MSG, citric acid).
❌ Salt
❌ Epidemiology
❌ Fats (meat, fish, oils, nuts, seeds, nut butters and similar spreads, coconut, avocado, vegetable milks, etc.).
❌ Dried fruit
❌ Caffeine (coffee, chocolate, matcha, green tea, black tea, mate tea)

Understandably, this list can be a bit daunting at first, and morning cleaning can take some getting used to. But soon enough, you’ll start to enjoy your morning cleanse, because you’ll feel how good it is for your body. And don’t forget that you can eat them again later in the day if you want.

Let’s now talk about what you need to drink and eat to support your liver – and therefore your whole body – in the cleansing process. Mornings should be filled with two things: glucose, which fuels you, and‘live’ water, which hydrates you. If you want to be extra good, you could also add cobarsol, a cleansing agent, and life-giving electrolytes, in other words, cellulose juice, to your breakfast.

To put it simply, the plan is: lemon water when you wake up, followed by celery juice, followed by fruit (or steamed vegetables or gluten-free porridge) and more lemon water and fruit if needed.


The best way to hydrate your body is to drink 500ml to 1l of lemon or lime water as soon as you wake up. Medical journalist Anthony William recommends that 480ml should be the minimum – but 1l is even better if you can reach it. Why? Because when the liver starts to cleanse itself at night, different toxins in your body start to get released and circulate. These toxins need to be excreted from the body, and this requires the body to have enough water to carry them out. If we don’t drink water in the morning, the toxins don’t leave the body and are simply re-encapsulated. We add lemon or lime juice to the water to maximise its hydrating properties, as well as providing essential minerals. There’s no need to worry about lemon or lime water spoiling your teeth or acidifying your body. Lemon and lime water mineralises and cleanses the teeth, and as soon as it touches our mouths it instantly becomes alkaline and begins its healing journey.

Some people are sensitive to citrus. It’s not a specificity of the body – we’re all designed to consume citrus fruits – but rather it suggests that your body needs a lot of cleansing and help so that you can someday reintroduce citrus fruits into your diet and benefit from their healing properties. While it’s common practice to add half a lemon or a lime per 500ml of water, if you feel that this is too much for you, reduce the amount as much as you find acceptable and try to get to the recommended amount over time. If you absolutely can’t tolerate lemon or lime juice, you could try buying a high-quality coconut water powder and make your own coconut water for breakfast. Feel free to add a teaspoon of honey to your morning lemon or lime water. It’s a good idea to add the honey, because it gives you the glucose you need before breakfast – which will take some time, because the next step is the juice.


Once you’ve drunk your lemon water, wait 15-30 minutes (ideally 30) and then drink about 500ml of pure celery juice. Try not to eat in the meantime. Cider juice must be drunk on an empty stomach for its effects to take effect. Ideally, you should drink at least 480ml, but if that’s not acceptable at first, start with smaller amounts. You can skip the celery juice in your morning cleanse and go straight from lemon water to breakfast, but if you want to cleanse and support your body to the max, try getting your body in the habit of celery juice.

If you’re new to this topic, you’ll certainly wonder: Why celery juice? Why 500ml on an empty stomach? How does it affect our bodies? It would be too much to explain it all in this article, because there is a whole book written about celery juice, which explains the healing effects of celery juice in detail. If you’re more interested in the subject, you should definitely read it. But let’s just say that the bean salts in celery juice attack all the germs in our body and help to get them out. From bacteria, fungi, moulds and viruses to heavy metals, foreign bodies and splattered food waste in the gut, cellar juice will remove them all if you drink it regularly and in large enough quantities at a time. Celery juice is also nourishing and mineralising. It contains live water and electrolytes that our bodies desperately need. The healing properties of celery juice are nothing short of miraculous and there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of success stories of its use around the world.

After drinking the juice, wait at least 15-30 minutes, ideally 30 minutes, before drinking anything else. You can also drink celery juice first thing in the morning and then lemon water, but be sure to wait 15-30 minutes before drinking lemon water to give the celery juice time to move through your intestines and body and do its cleansing work.

Fruit salad for a cleansing breakfast
Fruit salad with berries is a great idea for breakfast.


Once the morning tonics have been drunk, it’s time to move on to breakfast. Fruits and berries are best for this. Another option is to eat vegetables made without fat and salt, such as steamed potatoes or sweet potatoes. And for a third option, you could have millet or gluten-free oatmeal porridge, topped with berries, fruit and honey or maple syrup.

There are many different breakfast options with fruit. You can whip up a smoothie, cut open a big melon or watermelon, make a smoothie bowl, cut the fruit into a bowl and pour banana milk over it…. You can make ice cream from frozen bananas. You can blend banana, apple, dates and cinnamon into a “porridge”. You can also eat a salad, but remember that salad leaves don’t get a lot of the calories you need in the morning, so it’s best to focus on glucose-rich fruits and berries first thing in the morning.

If you’re used to a hearty breakfast, you probably need porridge or vegetables to start your morning cleanse. For porridge, MM recommends high-quality cereals: oatmeal or millet porridge with a gluten-free label. For a morning cleanse, it’s best not to add salt, sugar, vinegar, oil, vegetable milk, avocado, etc. to your food. However, honey and maple syrup are fine – you get both glucose and calories from them. Eat enough to fill your stomach, and don’t be alarmed if you feel hungry again after a while. Eat more when hungry.


It’s very useful to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours – in fact, it’s essential for our bodies to keep blood sugar levels stable. If we don’t eat a healthy snack every couple of hours, our blood sugar levels in our body will drop (yes, even when we feel like our stomach is full!). When this happens, the body has to produce adrenaline to compensate for the drop in blood sugar levels. You may not feel that it’s bad for your body if you’re more or less healthy. However, if you are struggling with chronic illnesses, this can be very important information to help your recovery, as many chronically ill people’s adrenal glands are already stretched to the limit and any extra adrenaline production can make symptoms worse. So make sure you eat balanced snacks often enough. Over time, as your body’s glucose stores fill up and you get rid of fat and protein dependency, the amount of time you can go without food increases.
Once your breakfast(s) are eaten, don’t forget to give your body extra hydration. Drink another 480 ml of water, either plain, lemon/lime or coconut.

Morning Cleaning Summary

  1. When you wake up in the morning, drink about 480ml of lemon or lime water (with or without honey, as you wish).
  2. 15-30 minutes later drink about 480ml of celery juice.
  3. At least 15-30 minutes later, it’s time for breakfast: berries, fruit / gluten-free oatmeal or millet porridge / steamed potatoes, sweet potatoes or pumpkin salads.
  4. Eat enough to fill your stomach and eat often (at least every two hours) to keep your blood sugar levels up and calorie needs covered.
  5. Drink another 480ml of water before lunch – lemon/lemon water, coconut water or plain water.

NB! If you try a morning cleanse and feel your stomach going empty long before breakfast, or if you feel irritable all morning, or if you feel weak, it’s a sign that your body needs glucose. In this case, it’s recommended to eat a piece of fruit with a little honey as soon as you wake up, so that your body gets the glucose and calories it needs to function, and lasts until breakfast. So if you feel you need food quickly, eat some fruit with honey as soon as you wake up, and only then move on to lemon water and celery juice.

Anthony William's morning cleanse of the medical media
All the information you need for your morning clean-up in one picture.

The summary is based on books, web articles and radio broadcasts by Anthony William of Medical Media.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only; it is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If health problems occur, a doctor or health professional should be consulted. If you would like to use alternative or new medicines to support your health, please discuss this information with your doctor. Bring her a book and discuss whether and how therapeutic foods and supplements could be used in her recovery.

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