Articles, Medical medium, Health

Vitamin B12 as a critical supplement for your health

Virtually all of humanity today suffers from a vitamin B12 deficiency, according to medical journalist Anthony William. Often people are not even aware of this, as a blood test at a doctor’s visit may well appear within or even above the norm. But are the tests able to determine whether B12 is being absorbed in the body where it is most needed – in the tissues of organs, the brain and the nervous system?

It may be that, although the analysis shows that the vitamin levels are normal, the nervous system is still deficient in the right type of vitamin B12. So why is vitamin B12 so important and how can you keep your vitamin stores topped up? That’s what this is about.

Why is vitamin B12 so important?

Vitamin B12 is responsible for tens of thousands of functions in the body and helps us make energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. B12 is critical for the nervous system, gut health and red blood cell production. In addition, B12 is a real brain vitamin.

Vitamin B12 is essential:

Strengthens the nervous system and the brain

B12, together with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin, provides support for all neurological symptoms and conditions, strengthening and protecting both the brain and the central nervous system. In addition, the right type of B12 contains essential electrolytes that protect the brain from damage and allow it to recover. B12 also provides a mental and emotional boost.

Absolutely all brain cells need vitamin B12 to stay alive. This powerful vitamin is helpful for bipolar depression, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, panic attacks, migraines, restless legs syndrome, POTS, fatigue, tremors and many other conditions . Vitamin B12 is needed more by people who are active in brain work or sports, or who are experiencing major life challenges, stress, emotional experiences.

Takes care of liver health

Vitamin B12 is a critical vitamin for the functioning of the liver. B12 is involved in more than 2000 chemical functions, activating the liver’s ability to process, use and distribute all the other vitamins and minerals stored there. B12 strengthens liver cells and liver sacs, preventing hepatic vascular atrophy and supporting liver function.

Reduces inflammation

The right type of B12 helps keep homocysteine levels low, which reduces inflammation in the body.

Protects the body from viral damage

Adenosylcobalamin, together with methylcobalamin, protects the body against damage from mutated strains of Ebstein-Barr virus and other neurotoxins secreted by harmful viruses, and strengthens the body’s resistance to various malignants.

B12 is helpful for different health conditions

Indeed, B12 is one of those vitamins that can help with virtually every symptom and health concern. Whether it’s nervous system disorders, depression, digestive problems or an autoimmune condition, B12 is critical for any health challenge and for maintaining good health.

What causes B12 deficiency and how to recognise it?

There is a widespread belief that vitamin B12 deficiency only occurs among vegetarians and vegans. In reality, this is far from the case. Vitamin deficiencies afflict most of us – from babies to the elderly. This is especially true nowadays, when the quality of our food has dramatically declined and our bodies are under constant strain trying to cope with the fast pace of life, environmental pollution, stress and the various viruses and other pathogens we inevitably come into contact with.

According to the medical media, there are usually two reasons for B12 deficiency – a lack of biotin in the diet or a sluggish/overloaded liver . When vitamin B12 levels are critically low in the body, this can lead to:

  • weakness and chronic fatigue;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • memory impairment;
  • heart pounding;
  • gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and nausea;
  • pale complexion;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • mouth sores and bleeding gums;
  • coordination problems;
  • mood changes, including depression, anxiety and nervousness;
  • breathlessness and dizziness;
  • jpm.

Chronic stress, high-fat and high-protein diets, low intake of fruit and vegetables, oral hormonal contraceptives, digestive disorders, smoking, alcohol and, of course, the insidious caffeine that is a daily companion for many, all contribute to vitamin depletion.

But how can vitamin deficiencies be prevented?

While a healthy lifestyle and fresh fruit and vegetables (including leafy greens) are a big help, this alone is not enough. In order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, support your body in a variety of ways and keep your nervous system in good working order, you should regularly nourish your body with a good quality B12 supplement in just the right form to keep your vitamin stores topped up.

Which form of B12 to prefer?

In order to get the maximum benefit from a supplement, the quality of the supplement is crucial and indispensable. However, not all the preparations on the market are of the best quality and many of them contain citric acid, flavourings, rice flour or other bulking agents that are not good for your health.

In addition, it is important to make sure that B12 is in just the right form – containing both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. One of these, for example, is Vimergy Organic B12, which is a special blend of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. It is liquid, highly absorbable, alcohol-free and 100% additive-free. Thanks to its pleasant taste, it is also easy and convenient to consume, perfect for the younger members of the family. Vimergy B12 is available in two sizes – 30ml and 115ml– so you can choose the right size for you.

But which B12 should you avoid and why?

According to the medical media, it is best to stay away from B12 injections. This is because the injections do not contain the right type of B12 mix and can cause an overreaction in a sensitive body. Therefore, they are not half as effective as oral preparations in liquid form. It is the oral administration that is important for proper absorption of B12. So the vitamin is absorbed into the digestive system, where it is ‘labelled’ and made bioavailable so that when it enters the bloodstream, B12 is readily absorbed by the organs. Injections do not offer the same advantage.

What is the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B12?

As with supplements, dosages may vary depending on individual health. However, the medical media recommends a minimum daily dose of at least 1 pipette, or 24-26 drops on average. For best absorption, hold vitamin B12 under the tongue for 20 seconds before swallowing and take on an empty stomach if possible, for example before a light breakfast.

Organic Vimergy Vitamin B12 is waiting for you in the Elusväli e-shop. Find out more and buy a high-quality supplement HERE and stay healthy!

Sources used:

Lahti Declaration

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only; it is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If health problems occur, a doctor or health professional should be consulted. If you would like to use alternative or new medicines to support your health, please share this information with your GP. Bring her a book and discuss whether and how therapeutic foods and supplements could be used in her recovery.

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