Articles, Medical medium

Cat’s Claw as a powerful natural antibiotic

Cat’s claw or Surinam’s claw(Uncaria Tomentosa), often called a natural antibiotic, has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Cat’s claw has been shown to have a strong positive effect in healing various disease symptoms, boosting immunity and destroying pathogens. Although cat’s claw has received a lot of attention for its powerful healing properties, most people are still unaware of the fact that it contains bioactive pharmaceutical compounds that can replace synthetic medicines.

But what exactly is this powerful herb? Let’s take a look and get to know the catnip better!

Cat’s claw is a powerful remedy for any disease symptom

For a variety of conditions – such as Lyme disease or urinary tract infections – synthetic antibiotics are a popular treatment for quick relief. However, it is worth knowing that a completely natural ‘antibiotic’ – cat’s claw – can also have a very strong therapeutic effect in such conditions. Cat’s claw also benefits from the fact that bacteria cannot become resistant to it. Cat’s Claw does not cause any unpleasant side effects and does not pose any health risk.

However, this powerful herb can help relieve virtually all symptoms, from neurological disorders to digestive problems. The glucosides, proanthocyanidins and beta-sitosterol contained in cat’s claw have beneficial effects on memory, making it a very effective aid in preventing and healing Alzheimer’s disease as well as other cognitive disorders. In addition, the catsup effectively supports the liver.

Pharmaceutical compounds in this powerful herb regulate the destruction of viruses and bacteria in a way that the body can tolerate, and make a clean break with the notorious streptococcus, which millions of people around the world battle daily and against which prescription antibiotics are often resistant. Kassiküüs omab streptokoki üle suurepäraselt kontrolli, tabades ta organismist ja pärssides tema elutegevust.

Cat's claw - what is the cat's claw secret weapon?

What is the cat’s claw secret weapon?

Cat’s claw has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic, antioxidant, tonic, immune-boosting, anti-allergic, anti-cancer as well as anti-viral, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties, which provide truly versatile and powerful support in the recovery from a variety of conditions.

Catnip can help support the body in all of the following symptoms and conditions:

  • Various inflammations in the body
  • Lyme borreliosis and all Lyme borreliosis cofactors (including Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia and Mycoplasma).
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Muscle and joint pains
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Kidney infections
  • Pärmseen
  • Wounds
  • Pearinglus
  • Balancing problems
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Ebstein-Barr virus (EBV)/mononucleosis
  • Streptococcus
  • Sleep disorders
  • Cancer
  • Larüngiit
  • Sore throat
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Lymphoma
  • Shingles
  • Herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1); Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2)
  • Acne
  • Nervousness
  • Speech disorders
  • Ringing or buzzing in the ear
  • Spasmid
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Childhood autoimmune diseases
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Twitching, seizures, involuntary movements
  • Muscle weakness
  • Neelamism problems
  • Skin rashes
  • Neurological heart rhythm disorders
  • Parasites or bacterial infection

Seems like a panacea, doesn’t it? The cat’s claw doesn’t lag far behind, being natural and full of healing power, offering help where it’s needed most.

Useful properties of cat’s claw

How to use catnip?

Tea made from cat’s claw powder is good for the body, but the tincture, which is more concentrated than tea in terms of the active ingredient, has the strongest effect. In the case of tincture, it is preferable to use a non-alcoholic version, as the alcohol in the tincture significantly reduces the healing effects of the herb. In addition to alcohol, it is also worth avoiding food supplements containing citric acid and flavourings because of their harmful effects.

If you feel that your health needs a boost, you can also find a high quality cat litter cure in our cat litter box. e-shop. Each dose of Vimergy Catnip Tincture contains 1000mg of the powerful herbal remedy, is 100% alcohol-free and contains no harmful flavours, aromas or additives. Vimergy organic cat’s claw is available as a liquid extract. Thanks to this, you can comfortably consume it either with a pipette straight from the bottle (the pipette comes with the bottle) or by mixing it with your favourite juice, smoothie or water – whatever suits you best.

Find out more and get your own tin drum HERE . Stay well!

Sources used:

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only; it is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If health problems occur, a doctor or health professional should be consulted. If you would like to use alternative or new medicines to support your health, please discuss this information with your doctor. Bring her a book and discuss whether and how therapeutic foods and supplements could be used in her recovery.

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