Articles, Medical medium

Who is Medical Medium Anthony William?

Anthony William is an expert on chronic illness, originator of the global celery juice movement and one of the New York Times bestselling authors. He is the author of the books “Medical Medium – Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal”, “Life Changing Foods”, “Thyroid Healing”, “Liver Rescue”, “Celery Juice”, “Cleanse to Heal”, “Brain Saver” and “Brain Saver Protocols”. He actively posts on social media (Instagram, Youtube, Telegram, etc.), sends out newsletters and publishes podcasts. His advice has been used by stars such as Sylvester Stallone, Miranda Kerr, Pharrell Williams, Naomi Campbell, Robert De Niro, top-ranked player Novak Djokovic and many others.

The Spirit of Compassion

The Spirit of Compassion – how it all began

When Anthony William was four years old, he woke up one morning with the ability to hear a voice coming from an invisible source. He heard the voice with his physical ear, as if a person were next to him and talking to him. This voice introduced itself as the Spirit of Compassion, and from that moment it has always been with him. The same day he began to hear the Spirit of Compassion, he diagnosed his grandmother with lung cancer under the guidance of the Spirit. At the age of four, he didn’t understand what he was saying, but he repeated the words of the Spirit of Compassion and soon the doctors confirmed that the diagnosis was correct.

From that day onwards, he delivers extraordinarily advanced healing medical information that’s far ahead of its time that comes from the Spirit of Compassion The Spirit of Compassion taught Anthony William to scan people so he could see the details of the human body to better understand people’s health – in case something should happen to his physical hearing and he should no longer hear the voice of the Spirit. When he is around people, he may lose some of his vision due to the bright light from the scanning, in which case he has an assistant to help him find his way.


Life as a messenger

Throughout his childhood and adolescence, Anthony William hoped that one day he would be free from the voice, which was extremely exhausting for him. Every moment he spent among the people, the Spirit of Compassion showered him with details describing the state of health of those around him. There were situations where he was not sure he could carry the load.

When Anthony William was in his twenties, he accepted his fate and opened an office to help more people. He also advised doctors who came to him with complex cases. His working days were often 20 hours long and he could help up to fifty people in a day. For years, he did not charge people and lived in poor conditions. When his waiting list grew so long that he couldn’t help everyone in need – around a million people – he started writing books so that everyone had access to this information and the chance to heal.


Answers at last

Medical Medium says that knowing the cause of your illness is half the battle, the other half is knowing what to do to get better. In his books, he gives us both, detailing the causes of illness and sharing tools that readers can use to help themselves. As he says: become your own health expert!

4 ruthless damage makers

According to him, there are four ruthless villains that cause our illness:

  1. radiation
  2. toxic heavy metals
  3. the explosive spread of viruses
  4. DDT

Medical Medium provides detailed instructions on how to remove radiation, heavy metals and DDT from your body. In addition, his books provide a wealth of information on how to stop viruses from spreading in your body using the ‘holy four’: fruits, vegetables, herbs/spices and wild food plants.

The two most popular life-changing foods appear to be celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie. Celery juice means pure freshly pressed celery juice with nothing else added. The Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie includes five key ingredients that pull heavy metals out of our organs. These are wild blueberries, spirulina, barley grass juice powder, cilantro and Atlantic dulse – with the addition of banana and water or fresh orange juice.

Epstein-Barr virus – the silent destroyer

As been said, one of the reasons people are chronically ill is the explosion of viruses. One of the viruses that gets almost all the attention in Medical Medium books is the insidious and damaging Epstein-Barr virus.

Medical communities are aware of the existence of this virus, but its seriousness is still not fully understood. This virus was discovered back in 1964. Since no further research was funded, it remained unknown what the virus does to the human body.

Anthony William was the first to sound the alarm on this virus in his books. Finally science is slowly beginning to confirm that this virus may indeed be the cause of serious illness (e.g. multiple sclerosis).

Medical Medium has said that ignoring this virus is one of the worst mistakes in medical history. More than 60 variants of this virus have caused a silent pandemic, generating masses of mysterious illnesses that are explained as ’cause unknown’ when searched from the internet.

For example, these mysterious and puzzling illnesses include thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, menopausal symptoms, vertigo, cysts, hormonal disorders, tinnitus and many more.


Food is your medicine

The good news is that Medical Medium is not leaving us without solutions. Anthony William gives us all the tools we need to fight the virus effectively.

In his books, you will find precise instructions on which foods to avoid (e.g. eggs) to avoid fuelling the activity of the virus, and which foods to eat to destroy and remove the virus and it’s residues from the body. There are also a dozen different cleansing protocols in the books with precise instructions.



Celery juice – the most powerful medicine of our time

One of the most important tools for both fighting the virus and cleansing the body is celery juice.

When Anthony William was a teenager, he worked in a grocery store as a hall worker while counselling customers. At that time, the juicer was not so common and no one had ever heard of pure celery juice.

Back in a day as a young boy working in a shop, Anthony pressed celery juice right there and offered it to the shop’s customers to relieve their symptoms. He first offered celery juice to own his family in 1975 .

Over time, the number of people drinking celery juice has grown and now the number of daily celery juice consumers has reached millions of people around the world. Another interesting fact is that the celery juice movement has emerged organically. It is not a passing trend that has been created by spending large amounts of money or with a lot of publicity, but it has started at grassroots level – with people taking the initiative. Over decades, people have benefited from the celery juice, and information about the benefits of celery juice has passed from person to person, growing to what it is today.

Healing properties of celery juice

According to Anthony William, celery juice has countless healing properties:

  • celery juice neutralises toxins in the blood and organs
  • celery juice kills bacteria and viruses
  • celery juice strengthens the immune system
  • celery juice breaks down fat cells
  • celery juice supports bile production
  • celery juice strengthens hydrochloric acid
  • celery juice regulates and balances the production of sex hormones
  • celery juice strengthens the heart and other organs
  • celery juice reduces harmful acid and mucus in the digestive tract
  • celery juice cleanses the blood of residues from viruses
  • celery juice strengthens the blood
  • celery juice supports brain functions
  • celery juice regenerates neurons
  • celery juice makes the body alkaline
  • celery juice reduces inflammation
  • celery juice strengthens digestion
  • celery juice regenerates teeth and gums
  • celery juice balances blood sugar levels
  • etc.

Living proof – healing stories

At a time when some interest groups may be spreading scary misinformation about fruit, celery juice and other healing foods, thousands of people can be seen on social media sharing their own healing stories, with celery juice, fresh fruit and the Medical Medium’s cleansing and supplement protocols as key components.

Stories of cures abound, including cures for the following diseases and symptoms:

  • eczema and psoriasis,
  • acne,
  • schizophrenic disorders,
  • borreliosis,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • ALS,
  • autism,
  • infertility,
  • insomnia,
  • Parkinson’s disease,
  • brain fog,
  • anxiety,
  • gene mutation,
  • leaky gut syndrome,
  • migraines,
  • endometriosis,
  • rheumatism,
  • tinnitus,
  • spasmid,
  • cysts,
  • allergies,
  • inflating,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • thyroid disorders,
  • inflammation of the urinary tract,
  • high blood pressure,
  • etc.

The health stories are freely available on theMedical Medium website and on his social media accounts, where people share them to support each other. In these posts, sincere thanks are shared to Anthony William and the Spirit of Compassion, in the hope that this information will find its way to those who may need it most, so that they too can find a way to heal from their illnesses.


Timeless information – this information will still be used several hundred years from now.

Anthony William has said that the information given by the Spirit of Compassion will still be in use in the world several hundred years from now, and it will not fade away. The information from the Spirit of Compassion has not been refuted or disproven by any independent scientific study. On the contrary, medical science has begun to use this information in the latest research and to confirm it, mostly without reference to the original source (the Medical Medium and the Spirit of Compassion).

Your personal healing journey

Once you dive into the information of Medical Medium and start your healing journey, the discoveries are endless. Even experienced Medical Medium followers return to his books again and again, and find that when they re-read the living words of the Spirit of Compassion, it’s as if it were a new book.

The information in these books is not limited to how to eat and heal your body. In fact, mental health plays an important part in almost every Medical Medium’s book. In addition to dietary recommendations, the Medical Medium’s books also include:

  • different meditation techniques;
  • exercises to heal the soul, cultivate faith;
  • a striking description of compassion as the foundation of healing;
  • teachings on how to ask angels for help;
  • and much more.

The messages of the Spirit of Compassion (delivered through Anthony William) can be seen as God’s way of showing love and care for humanity. Everyone is free to decide how they receive and deal with this love.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only; it is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If health problems occur, a doctor or health professional should be consulted. If you would like to use alternative or new medicines to support your health, please share this information with your GP. Bring your doctor a book in this topic and discuss whether and how therapeutic foods and supplements could be used in your recovery.

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